Richard Serra: Verb List
to change verb, or
Richard Serra: Verb List, 1967
actions to relate to oneself, material, place, and process
Serra has talked at length about the central place this language-based drawing occupies in the development of his early sculptural practice. This work on paper suggests a common ground underlying Serra's practices in all mediums—from early sculptures to later monumental works, which not only twist and curve but also enclose, surround, and encircle. It shows Serra's debt to action painting and his proximity to Conceptual and performance practices; the list was published in the journal Avalanche in 1971.

About this site
This website uses p5js to animate between verb locations on Richard Serra's hand written artwork: Verb List. It does so accessibly modifying html to help artists and designers explore the possibilities of his actions.
This site is created by Alistair McClymont. Copyright of the image and text belong to MOMA and Richard Serra. For educational purposes only.